
“Storytelling is the key to unlocking your greatness.”

Award-Winning Book Coach, TEDx Speaker, Independent Publishing Expert

I transform CEOs and Coaches into Thought Leaders by helping them publish highly-influential and impactful books.

I support organizations with improving their team's productivity by strengthening their role as group members through the use of storytelling.

“Porsché is a vibrant and focused lady who really knows how to support her clients. This is what has drawn me to start working with her on my second book.”

~Cath Lloyd

From being a child to an adult with no freedom, and then moving from Pittsburgh to Nigeria, I lived a life.

I had a story, and it was in my story that I found my identity. I also found that it wasn’t peculiar to me— that others can find their identity this way too.

Through storytelling.

My reconnection with my childhood is what birthed my TEDx topic: How Writing Your Story Can Help You Discover Your True Identity.

My speeches take people on my journey to finding my identity and opens their eyes to how they can find theirs and in doing so, unlock their greatest potential.

I have refined my speaking ability to strengthen my delivery of purposeful content in a direct and communicative manner that will impact my audience in the best way possible.

Is this what you want for your audience?

MindSpeak Academy

A book is THE best way to expand your Thought Leadership.

Thought Leaders are individuals who have innovative ways of thinking, doing or being and have the ability to powerfully share that with any audience. In their sharing, they find themselves transforming the mindset and lives of the listener and create a deep impact unlike no other.

A book carries these unique ideas and your guidance from your mind into the hands of every person who encounters it. It spreads your message and it is a legacy that cannot be erased from history.

With my experience as an independent self-publishing expert and author, I help CEOs combine their story and wisdom to birth a transformational book that guarantees global impact, elevating their Thought Leadership.

Are you ready to impact the world with your story and knowledge?

Writing your story was just the beginning, now you have to bring it to life.

Standing out as an author does not depend solely on the story. Your book is not ready for an audience because the ending has been written. It needs finishing touches that will make it PERFECT.

To achieve that, you need a team as passionate about your book as you are. MysticqueRose Publishing is that team.

From editing all the way up to marketing, me and my team of experts deliver high-quality services that will have your book sit above all the rest.

Ready to take your book to perfection?

Learn more about what I do:



Porsché is inspiring, engaging and passionate about supporting organisations and teams through the power of storytelling. Having worked with Porsché on her TEDx talk, and I can categorically recommend her as a speaker at your forthcoming event. Your audience will be touched, moved and inspired to take elevate their performance, productivity and profits.

Elaine Powell of MindSpeak Academy

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